At Nu-Wave we deal with both medical and aesthetic treatments. We use the most powerful machinery for our treatments with highly trained and experienced aestheticians. Both men and women alike will be pleased with the results made possible by our laser and medical protocols.

Basically the laser is attracted to the protein called melanin, this is the pigment in your hair that gives it it’s natural colour. Our laser releases heat energy that targets the pigments in individual hairs, this safely destroys the hair roots which in turn prohibits growth. The laser is only able to target hair that is in a state of growth (anagen stage), therefore we recommend a series of sessions to effectively remove all unwanted hair. Usually a series of 6 sessions is sufficient to  remove all the hair in a given area.

Removing body hair is a huge challenge for both for women and men, be it for aesthetic, religious, hygienic reasons or medical conditions. There are several methods, e.g. waxing, threading, chemical creams etc, all of which are time consuming, expensive in the long run. As one does so constantly, it can irritate the skin and induce ingrown hairs that can lead to cysts, boils and infection. Laser Hair Removal offers a reduction, and with Syneron Candela Gentlemax Pro or Cynosure Elite, it is available to every skin type.


Laser hair removal is a relatively painless procedure. Unlike IPL, which can be quite a painful treatment, laser hair removal uses advanced technology to ensure there is no pain and is more effective. We use Syneron Candela Gentlemax Pro (2 in 1 lasers : Alexandrite 755nm & Nd-Yag 1064nm) and an American made laser, which is the best on the market – Cynosure Apogee Elite. This a dual laser, that is, both an Alexandrite laser and a NdYag laser so that we may use the correct one for any given skin type. It uses a cryo-air cooling system so there is no need for messy gels and it cools the skin prior to, during and post treatment. In this manner it results in a painless and safe procedure. Both are medical grade 4 lasers.

Treatments are usually booked as courses, however, with the Candela or Cynosure you will see results after the 1st session. Though to effectively remove hair you will require around 6 sessions (4-8 depending on area being treatment and your hair and skin type). Maintenance treatments are recommended for long lasting results.

Male and female above 18 years old and those under 18 with parental consent may receive treatment. We do not advise for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Also, the current technology (regardless of many claims by companies) do not make it suitable for blonde and grey hairs because of the lack of Melanin. At present only electrolysis is the solution, but manufacturers are working on this. The Cynosure laser is safe all body areas and skin types. The results depend on type of hair, laser treatment parameters, number of treatments, treatments schedule and of course experience and skill of aesthetician. We strongly advise the client to respect the treatment intervals to have the best possible outcome. Extra care should be taken with clients that are taking photosensitising drugs such as: acne medications; Anticancer drugs; Antidepressants; Antihistamines and Antipsychotic drugs. These medications may cause hyperpigmentation, dermatitis and increase skin sensitivity on area treated. We will always carry out a free full consultation and patch test before any treatment.
Laser treatments not only destroy the follicles but also the growth dynamics through growth delay. With repeated treatments hair cycles are synchronized increasing the effectiveness with each consecutive treatment immediately after the treatment skin may appear red and sensitive. This is only temporary. Hairs that have been treated with laser will look frizzled; they will continue growing and will fall off 10-14 days after the treatment. Clients are only allowed to shave in between treatments to manage the hairs.

Free Consultation & Test Patch Test